Monday 28 October 2013

AMITY in Education and Charity!


Their is always some fragrance left in the hand that giveth......

Sticking true to the motto of service AMITY is into lot of Social initiatives touching several sections of society.Imparting and facilitating Education is one of the noblest act and AMITY's Social Initiatives have merely made this bird soar higher and more majestically.

All these Initiatives are under " AMITY HUMANITY FOUNDATION".

Some  Facts about the same:

 Who we are:
  • A registered NGO of the Ritnand Balved Education Foundation (RBEF).
  • Reflects the social responsibility, consciousness and concerns of Amity Group of Institutions.
  • All the Amity institutions right from the time of their inception undertook social work for upliftment of the downtrodden.
  • AHF was created in 1995 to coordinate and provide a fillip to all social welfare activities and also undertake steps for equitable social development. 


  • HEALTH with emphasis on Reproductive and Child Health, Coummunity Health and Health Delivery System.
  • Universalization of EDUCATION through formal, non-formal and vocational education.
  • Development of models for COVERNANCE and ACCOUNTABILITY with right based approach to development. 
Education Empowers!

Education dispels the clouds of ignorance thereby creating a society which is Healthy,Buoyant and Progressive.
In Education is rooted all Prosperity and Growth.Prosperity of thought,Growth in terms of Knowledge.Education imparts fuel to the mind whereby it can take off in its learning voyage!
So here is Celebrating Education!


Wednesday 23 October 2013

AMITY Sangathan!

The Annual Sports Event of Amity University and Amity Higher Education Institutions
is held each year during September / October. The event promotes a healthy competitive spirit,
camaraderie and teamwork among students.
The Inauguration of SANGATHAN-2013 will be held on Wednesday, 18 Sept, 2013.
The Final and Valedictory Ceremony of SANGATHAN-2013 will be held on Thursday, 24
October, 2013.
It is a great occasion for all our students to participate in a variety of sports events and
thus build strong bondages of friendship, team spirit and togetherness amongst them al